
The Warrior also know as Igorha is the main antagonist in the story line in The Origin Story of Igorha: The Eco-Cyborg. He was been exposed to toxic waste and polluted waters when injured during a fight with 5 of Corporate Ltd.’s henchmen. 
Due to the nature of his blood which had the perfect balance of microplastics and purity from his years of training in the Amathole mountains and growing up in eMonti. His blood cells mutated and evolved into regenerative cells that gave him even more strength to restore balance to the Earth. 

Utility and Benefits of the Warrior category: 
– Exclusive access to the virtual auction which will be held in Ubuntuland. 
   > Soul Stone (1 of 1)
   > 3D Rendered Spear (1 of 8) 
– General access to other art pieces on auction 
– Discount to virtual store purchases 

Dedicated channel on discord for all Warrior holders